10-16 Jul – 2017 Youth Leadership Camp, Faget-Cluj-Napoca, Romania

11 April 2017

We are happy to inform you that the 7th edition of the YLC will be held on July 10th-16th in Faget-Cluj-Napoca, Romania. We thank the Federatia Romana de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice for hosting it!

Candidates are requested to fill in application form online (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IDFEYLC2017) and to send a letter of support from their Diabetes Association to [email protected] by April 24, 2017.

As in previous years, applications will be carefully reviewed by a Selection Committee and 24 young adults aged 18-30 will be invited to participate in the YLC. Notifications will be sent early May.

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by IDF Europe; participants are responsible to be fully insured for healthcare and travel. Candidates should have a good command of the English language (comprehension and speaking), as all sessions and activities will be conducted in English.

For more information about the past editions of the youth camp, please visit http://www.idf.org/youthcamp

If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected].