On November 28, at a High-Level Technical Summit, IDF Europe and WHO Europe signed a Declaration, recalling the urgent need for accelerating action on commitments to improve diabetes detection and quality of care. Since then, we have been encouraging individuals and organisations to endorse the Declaration to show policymakers that more needs to be done to improve the lives of PwD and those at risk.

Read more about the background of the Declaration here.

What is needed now?

We need to further raise awareness of the urgent need to act NOW! As well as collecting reasons why members of our community have already signed the Declaration, we continue to build on the momentum and gain more support for the Declaration.

Read the Declaration:

You can also find the Declaration and its translations at WHO Europe or download them directly below in the following languages:

Albanian | Belarussian | Bosnian | Bulgarian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | English | Finnish | French | Georgian | German | Greek | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Kazakh | Kyrgyz | Lithuanian | Macedonian | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Russian | Slovenian | SpanishSwedish | Turkish | Ukrainian

0 Total pledges Let's get to 1,500!

Join our campaign! Endorse the Declaration. Share your reasons. Accelerate action on diabetes!

We invite individuals and organisations to join our call to action and become part of a powerful and united voice advocating for stronger action on diabetes.

Fill out the form below to endorse the Declaration/Create your personalised endorsement tile which will be displayed on our Declaration Endorsement Wall.

Together, United, Let’s Act on Diabetes!



Endorsement Wall

Visit the Endorsement Wall to learn about our community reasons for endorsing the Declaration.


Visit the page

Organisation Supporters

Latest signatures

Name Location Organisation/Individual Date
Anna-Maria Borissova Bulgaria flag Bulgaria Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology 07/12/23
Nigel Crawford United Kingdom flag United Kingdom Diabetes-cutmyrisks.co.uk Ltd 06/12/23
Stéphane Besançon France flag France ONG Santé Diabète 06/12/23
Kostas Tagkalos Greece flag Greece DIGITRADE GREECE 06/12/23
KONSTANTINOS MAKRILAKIS Greece flag Greece Hellenic Diabetes Association 06/12/23
Valentina Ocheretenko Ukraine flag Ukraine Ukrainian Diabetic Federation 05/12/23
Frida Bragadottir Iceland flag Iceland Diabetes Iceland 05/12/23
Adrian Stoev Bulgaria flag Bulgaria Bulgarian Diabetes Association 05/12/23
Mohammed Jawad United Arab Emirates flag United Arab Emirates Lifetastic FZ LLC 04/12/23
Elena Visocina Moldova flag Moldova Asociatia Persoanelor cu Diabet “DIAlog” 30/11/23
Sonia Do Vale Portugal flag Portugal National Program for Diabetes, Directorate-General of Health, Ministry of Health, Portugal 29/11/23
Aldona Danyliene Lithuania flag Lithuania Lithuanian diabetes association 29/11/23
João Raposo Portugal flag Portugal APDP - Diabetes Portugal 29/11/23
Luk Buyse Belgium flag Belgium Diabetes Liga 29/11/23
Aliina Altymysheva Kyrgyzstan flag Kyrgyzstan WHO 29/11/23
Ľubomír Barák Slovakia flag Slovakia Diador 29/11/23
Maya Victorova Bulgaria flag Bulgaria Bulgarian Diabetes Association 29/11/23
Rita Nortadas Portugal flag Portugal Portuguese diabetes society 29/11/23
Raffaele Napoli Italy flag Italy Società Italiana di Diabetologia 29/11/23
Chris J. Delicata Malta flag Malta MALTESE DIABETES ASSOCIATION 28/11/23

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