Call for venue – 2018 IDF Europe Regional Council and TEAM Meeting

24 January 2018

“Together Everyone Achieves More” (TEAM) Meeting

and Regional Council 2018

Call for Venue

  • Held in alternate years to the World Diabetes Congress
  • Provides opportunities to strengthen ties between European Members
  • Invite speakers, conduct workshops, develop projects: a chance to showcase your national association!
  • Previous Regional Councils (IDF Europe’s General Assembly) held in Malta (2008), Brussels (2010), Lisbon (2012), Istanbul (2014) and Lisbon (2016)
  • The Regional Council will take place late November/beginning of December 2018

Is you member association interested in hosting the meeting? Then don’t hesitate to fill in the FORM and send it back to [email protected] by the end of February. We’re looking forward to receiving your application!