On World Diabetes Day, the Italian Federation of Scientific Societies of Diabetology (FeSDI) in collaboration with the Parliamentary Committee on obesity, diabetes and NCDs, which includes the Italian Association of Athletes Living with Diabetes (ANIAD), the Sport and Health Committee and the Italian Wellness Alliance, organised an event at the Italian Senate in Rome titled “Let’s team up around diabetes”, which featured the signing of a new “Manifesto of Rights of people living with diabetes”.
The manifesto underscores the commitment to ensuring that people living with diabetes (PwD) enjoy the same human and social rights as everyone else. These rights include equitable access to information, prevention programmes, therapeutic education and effective treatment, along with timely and appropriate diagnosis and management of diabetes-related complications.
A key focus of the manifesto is advocating for a healthcare system that guarantees equal access to diabetes diagnosis and care across all regions of the country. Additionally, it emphasises that the right of PwD to lead fulfilling lives should be a cornerstone of parliamentary and government initiatives across all policy areas.
In Rome, a memorandum of understanding was also signed between the Professional Cycling League and FeSDI which aims to develop physical activity projects for people living with obesity and diabetes. The two organisations will continue their collaboration in promoting healthy lifestyles among the general population.
On November 14 national landmark across Italy have also been lit up in blue.