IDF Europe participated in the Chrodis Plus webinar: Health Promotion and Primary Prevention in 21 European Countries on 15 May. During the webinar, the objective of which was to encourage participating organizations to take part in a discussion on health promotion and primary prevention of chronic diseases, the consortium presented the findings from the project on best practices in health promotion across the EU.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes are highly costly for health systems. In 2017, a total of EUR 139 billion was spent on diabetes treatment. Funded by the EC and participating organizations, Chrodis Plus aims to implement good practices to prevent chronic diseases.
This three-year initiative is currently focused on the implementation of these good practices at the national level, and the Chrodis Plus team stressed the importance of political engagement in the initiative’s success.
IDF Europe will monitor developments and communicate relevant findings in diabetes. IDF Europe was involved in the previous edition of CHRODIS, which took diabetes as a case study on strengthening healthcare for people with chronic diseases.
Learn more about IDF Europe’s involvement.