One of the key priorities of DG Sante is health promotion and disease prevention in Europe. In accordance with this, the Best Practice Portal was established to collate information on implemented and adequately evaluated best practices in a number of areas in the field of health. Currently, submissions are open for the prevention of non-communicable diseases and will remain so until February 28th.
Once evaluated, each practice will be published on the Best Practice Portal and will assist Member States in reaching targets set by the WHO/UN, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 (to reduce mortality from NCDs by one-third by 2030.
We encourage our Member Associations, where relevant, to submit their best practices that are shown to help prevent diabetes, particularly in relation to:
- Improving the environmental determinants of health;
- Reducing overweight and obesity.
This is a unique opportunity to assist Member States and the Commission in the area of NCD prevention which will have resounding benefits for the diabetes community in Europe. The greater number of submissions by our Member Associations will increase the visibility of diabetes in the Best Practice Portal which will ultimately improve the likelihood that funding will be granted to Member States to implement these practices.
Alternatively, if our Member Associations prefer or if they believe they may not meet all the criteria for selection, they may submit your best practices to us at IDF Europe under the following headings:
- Background context
- Overall goal and specific objectives
- Indicators
- Target population
- Methodology
- Main outcomes
This information will be shared within the network of IDF Europe Member Associations on our website.
Click here to submit your best practices on preventing NCDs
Click here to read about the criteria to select best practices