IDF Europe joins forces with the Portuguese Diabetes Association and the French Diabetes Federation to explore the role of plant-based diets for better health outcomes for people with diabetes

15 June 2023

IDF Europe, together with the Portuguese Diabetes Association (APDP) and the French Diabetes Federation (FFD) is taking part in an 18-month project funded by the Healthy Food Healthy Planet initiative, to explore and promote the role of plant-based diets in the management of diabetes, through sustainable healthy diets, with the integration of the concept of territorial diets, like the Mediterranean and Nordic diets. The project will involve people living with diabetes (PwD), healthcare professionals (HCPs) and policymakers to gather scientific evidence, co-create solutions and educational materials to promote the adoption of plant-based diets for better management of Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and improved health outcomes for Europeans with diabetes and pre-diabetes.

To gather evidence, assess the needs of all stakeholders and inform the project’s co-design solutions, the first national expert workshop took place in Paris, France on 1 June 2023. Organised and hosted by the FFD, the participants had a chance to learn first-hand from leading French researchers and health professionals on nutrition best practices experiences, the benefits of various plant-based diets, the barriers to adopting more healthy and sustainable diets, and the roles of all stakeholders and environments to ensure the healthy choice is the easiest and most accessible choice for all. These expert workshops will inform a series of national food workshops for PwD, their caregivers and family, social and health professionals, to analyse the role of plant-based diets for improved health outcomes as well as behavioural and economic considerations to facilitate the shift towards the diet. A formal evaluation of effective changes will be carried out three months after the workshops are concluded.

We want to sincerely thank all the French experts who shared their perspectives on how to promote a more plant-based diet for people living with T2D in order to improve their overall health and prevent the risk of complications:

  • Marie-Laure Mourre, Researcher in Behavioral Sciences and Social Marketing, specialising in Health Prevention, Institute for Research in Management.
  • Claire Chambrier, Scientific Development Manager, Aprifel (Agence pour la recherche et l’information en fruits et lĂ©gumes).
  • Marie-Charlotte Druart, Advanced Practice Nurse, GHU AP-HP, Henri-Mondor University Hospitals.
  • Elodie Tarby, Head of Social Support Action, and Caroline Jung, French Federation of Food Banks.

We are also utmost grateful to Bastien Roux, Director-General and Alexia Charvet, Development Manager at FFD for hosting the expert workshop and sharing interesting facts on the history and work of the French Diabetes Federation that represents the voice and protects the rights of 4 million diabetes patients in France.

It was also wonderful meeting and exchanging knowledge with APDP members, RogĂ©rio Ribeiro, Project Lead, Maria JoĂ£o Sequeira, Communications Officer, and Lisandra Ribeiro, Nutritionist at APDP – Diabetes Portugal.

Next stop – Lisbon, Portugal to hear perspectives on the subject from the Portuguese experts!