IDF Europe joins the call to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food: Time for an effective regulatory framework

04 March 2022

On this World Obesity Day, IDF Europe alongside other social, health and consumer organisations call on the EU to adopt strong regulation to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food.

Obesity is on the rise among European citizens, negatively affecting both people’s quality of life and life expectancy, increasing the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) for which diet is a key contributor, and resulting in higher societal and economic costs. Strong EU regulation on food marketing and support to families and children must be developed as a matter of priority to prevent a further rise in the number of people living with obesity and meet the 2025 global targets which are currently off track and potentially endanger the success of other NCD targets such as those related to diabetes.

To read the full statement, please, see the PDF below:

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