IDF Europe Regional Board – Call for nominations

11 April 2022

The International Diabetes Federation European Region is seeking the nomination of members for its Regional Board 2023-2025.

The elections will be held at the IDF Europe Regional Council in Lisbon, Portugal, on 4 December 2022.

IDF Europe is the European chapter of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Our mission, in Europe, is to unite the voice of people with diabetes and to engage all stakeholders in creating a person-centered diabetes ecosystem.

IDF Europe seeks inspiring and motivated candidates to improve health outcomes and quality of life of people living with diabetes in Europe, and to elevate diabetes on the political agenda.

Nominations are required for the following positions:

Criteria for selection

The IDF Europe Nominating Committee will ensure that each candidate fulfils all three of the overarching criteria set out below and that they can demonstrate solid training and experience in at least one of the required skill sets. It will also ensure that the roster of candidates offers a wide geographic base and good gender balance.

The criteria set out below should be read in conjunction with the IDF Europe Articles of Association and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

  1. All candidates must demonstrate a well-established interest in diabetes at a professional and/or a personal level, with solid evidence of sustained engagement with diabetes activism in their country.
  2. All candidates must demonstrate the ability and commitment to make time available for their Board duties. This would require at least three full weekends per year and at least 3 days per month for participation in virtual meetings and review and preparation of materials. In addition, candidates should confirm access to adequate broadband internet coverage in their home or workplace to take part in virtual meetings.
  3. All candidates must demonstrate a reasonable level of European engagement in diabetes, within a well-established international network.

Nomination process

Self-nomination is not permitted.

All candidates must be recommended by at least:

  • Two nominating members*, for the Chair-Elect position
  • One nominating member*, for all other positions

*A nominating member refers to a member of an IDF Europe national member association.

An individual may be nominated for more than one position, but can only be elected to one position.

The Nominating Committee welcomes nominations from anyone interested in the future of the Federation.

Click on the positions below to learn more about the role descriptions and the desired skill sets:

Candidatures are to be submitted to [email protected]
Candidatures received via another channel will not be taken into consideration.

All nominations received by the Nominating Committee will remain confidential. The Nominating Committee will release only the final report.

The Nominating Committee needs the following information from each candidate:

  1. The nomination form (download the form here)
  2. A brief (150 words or less) biography of the nominee
  3. A recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)

The nomination form can be downloaded here

The deadline for receipt of nominations is 15 June 2022.

All enquires regarding the nomination process can be addressed to [email protected] and will be forwarded to the attention of the Nominating Committee.