With diabetes one of the major chronic diseases, IDF Europe joined forces with the European Chronich Disease Alliance (ECDA), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and Non Communicable Diseases Alliance (NCDA) to publish a Joint Paper to advance action on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by establishing an EU Strategic Framework for the Prevention of NCDs towards 2030.
The paper sets out principles, priorities and actions to tackle the 21st century’s foremost health threat. In Europe, chronic diseases are responsible for over 85% of all deaths and affect nearly a quarter of the working age population, which means €700 billion for treatment annually, and a loss of €115 billion/year due to premature mortality.
Immediate EU action on chronic diseases could help save two million lives by 2025. The 2019-2024 term is an opportunity to act and address the main, largely preventable, risk factors.
“Disease prevention is a fundamental component of sustainable development, economic growth and a healthy society. As we are entering a new cycle of EU political leadership, an EU Strategic Framework for NCD Prevention would guide and articulate existing and future initiatives in the field, while being an additional concrete example of the EU added value in health.” Prof. Em. Raymond Vanholder, President, European Chronich Disease Alliance.
IDF Europe is member of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA).
Learn more on IDF Europe’s partnerships at EU level, vital for our advocacy work, as they greatly contribute to our mission to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure.