Ahead of the European Council Meeting which took place on June 20-21, IDF Europe and the EU Health Coalition called upon Member States to adopt a Multi-annual Financial Framework as well as a Horizon Europe budget which echo Europe’s ambition for innovation in research.
IDF Europe is part of the EU Health Coalition, a 27 multi-stakeholder initiative looking at how we map the future of healthcare in Europe, making the most of the innovation at our fingertips.
Horizon Europe plays a significant role in fostering a coherent, internationally-competitive European research landscape. Some €120 billion dedicated to Horizon Europe, as proposed by the European Parliament, coupled with an increase in national funding for research is required to address the major challenges Europe is facing.
We support the European Parliament decisions and Pascal Lamy’s High Level group recommendations to help Europe maintain its position as a key player in research at the global level and foster European health research through increased funding under Horizon Europe.
A robust budget for health research should be secured along with appropriate funding allocated to the Health Cluster whitin Horizon Europe. The EU finances only one-tenth of the public research investment, but is the major funder of impactful, collaborative and transnational research. Horizon Europe’s proposed budget should make full use of the research potential as well as requirements within Europe. Collaborative research is needed to foster knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and partnerships between academia and industry, and to maintain Europe’s competitiveness.
Read the full statement here
EU Health Summit
Last year on November 29, IDF Europe organised, together with the EU Health Coalition, the EU Health Summit 2018. The summit’s goal was to examine the role of the European Union in helping European health systems to make the most of these opportunities for the benefit of citizens and patients, while following a sustainable path.
Ahead of the 2018 EU Health Summit, the partner organisations have put together recommendations for a shared vision for the future of health in Europe, calling upon the next European Commission and European Parliament to bring about the necessary changes. In this recommendations, the Coalition call for the European Commission, in particular, to have the tools and governance in place, for ensuring a health perspective in all EU policies, believing that the EU has an important role to play in ensuring a healthy future for Europe.
You can read more on our role during the summit in the Winter Newsletter 2018