Georgian Union of Diabetes and Endocrine Associations (previously Georgian Diabetes Federation) is a governmental, non-commercial, non-profit mixed – type organization that unites healthcare professionals, people with diabetes, their carers and lay persons.
The Union was founded in 1990, the founders were physicians, people with diabetes and a nurse. In 1991 it was officially registered. It was established on the basis of the Georgian Diabetes Center (now – National Center for Diabetes Research/NCDR). The Union was the first diabetes association from the former USSR to become an IDF Member.
Vision: All people with diabetes in Georgia should receive insulin and other antidiabetes drugs, tools for self-monitoring, education and care.
Mission: to defend the rights of all people with diabetes in Georgia and provide high quality diabetes care and education.
Today GUDEAS represents interests of 6950 of its members – people with diabetes, physicians, nurses and lay persons. Active work in the field of diabetes was initiated in 1988.
Main Focus
- To unite people – health care professionals, people with diabetes, industry, decision makers
- To improve the quality of life of those living with diabetes in Georgia
- To improve the quality of diabetes care
- To provide free essential treatments and tests to all people with diabetes
- To provide education for people with diabetes
- To train and retrain HCPs in diabetes
- To increase public awareness on diabetes
- To create diabetes platform to fight diabetes and other chronic diseases
In 2018 GUDEAS together with 4 other NGOs has created NCD-Alliance of Georgia.
Together we are actively involved in the prevention and control of diabetes and other NCDs, are working on various WDF Projects on improving the quality of diabetes care, screening for diabetic eye complications, improving the quality of DFS prevention and care, improving the quality of care provided to children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes, diabetes screening and prevention.
For NCD-A, Georgian we have created mutual website and face-book were information on our activities is placed and updated
Publications & Newsletters
Since 2003, the Union publishes “Diabetes and Health,” a magazine targeted people with diabetes, healthcare professionals and the general public.
During more than 25 years a large number of Consensuses (including IDF Guidelines and Consensuses) were translated into Georgian: information materials for people with diabetes was published in Georgian, Manuals/material on Diabetic Foot (for Physicians, nurses and people with diabetes) were prepared and published.
In 2023 the Union has published Diabetes Dictionary, that contains more then 700 terms on DM, its complications and concomitant conditions.
Message from the President
“To be a member of IDF gives unique opportunity to exchange skills, knowledge and idea, to get information. When united we are great power that can fight ignorance and burocracy – our mutual enemies“.