diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid is an independent non-profit-organisation that unites people with diabetes and their families, physicians, researchers and other diabetes professionals. As a young umbrella organization, they are enabling diabetes experts and their patients, organized in three member organisations, to meet and collaborate:
- German Diabetes Association (DDG)
- German Association of Diabetes Educating and Councelling Professions (VDBD)
- German Diabetes Aid – People with diabetes (DDH-M)
The organization was founded by DDG and VDBD. In 2012, DDH-M was founded to ensure an adequate representation of people living with diabetes within diabetesDE. The federal organization DDH-M and its regional associations coordinate all activities of people with diabetes and advocate for their interests.
Main Focus
- Raise awareness about diabetes
- Educate the general public about the risk of type 2 diabetes
- Fight for the best possible medical treatment and care for people with diabetes
- Support and fund projects that help people with diabetes and people at risk
- Advocate the interests of people with diabetes
- Encourage young leaders in diabetes advocacy
Through a joint effort of all its members, diabetesDE wants to improve the efficiency of the use of available resources to provide the best possible diabetes prevention, care and research and to stop discrimination. United in diabetesDE, the major goal is to help establish a national diabetes strategy for Germany.
- Organisation of a Patient Infotainment Congress on World Diabetes Day (around 5000 attendees each year) since 2009.
- Hosting annual diabetes charity Gala since 2011 (300 selected guests)
- 7 sponsored projects to improve the life of people with diabetes
- Supporting summer camps, adventurous coping-weeks and -weekends for Kids and Teens with Type 1 Diabetes
- Political Grassroots-Campaign “Stop Diabetes – now!” to fight for a national diabetes plan in Germany
- Demonstrating and petitioning for patients´rights, raising awareness and heightening political pressure
- Stakeholder outreach and political lobbying