The Hellenic Diabetes Federation (HDF) was founded in September 1997 by the union of four associations in the country: the National Diabetes Association (P.E.D.) was the first and only association for people with diabetes, the National Association for the Fight Against Juvenile Diabetes (P.E.A.N.D.), the Association of friends of children and adolescents with endocrine problem “The GALINOS” and Paneipirotiki Union for Juvenile Diabetes (P.E.N.D.I.).
HDF currently consists of 14 active local associations all over Greece.
HDF organizes every two years a Panhellenic Conference with the participation of leading scientists in the field of diabetes.
They also organise informative campaigns, meetings and seminars with local clubs of children, adolescents and adults with diabetes.
Publications & Newsletters
The Federation publishes every three months the magazine “Diabetes Mellitus” which is freely distributed to all diabetes centres and clinics in Greece.
Message from the President
“In Hellenic Diabetes Federation we believe that diabetes cannot be characterized as a disability. Thanks to the development of medicine and technology science, diabetes can be just a way of life. Anyone who feels disabled, resigns from life and the control of his diabetes. Life is beautiful. Let’s not get stuck in details”. And as Carl Jung said: “I’m not what happened to me, I’m what I choose to become”!