Number of members
Sigtún 42, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Samtök Sykursjukra was founded in 1971 as a collaboration between a group of people with diabetes, their friends and families and the then chief physician of the diabetes clinic at the University Hospital of Iceland. In 2023, the name of the association was changed to Diabetes Ísland.
Main Focus
- Advocate for people with diabetes and speak on their behalf to government bodies
- Publish educational material for people with diabetes, health professionals and the public
- Maintain a wide variety of social and educational activities for our members
- Educational meetings, conferences, plenary sessions etc, for our members and all others interested
- Social gatherings; exercise group; day trips and whatever else we can think of to strengthen the bond between our members
- Publications and and their dissemination as widely as possible
Publications & Newsletters
- Annual magazine, Jafnvægi, published every year in November, around World Diabetes Day
- Bi-monthly newsletter announcing our meetings and other activities
- A wide range of educational material; booklets, pamphlets, DVD´s etc, available free of charge for anyone interested