The Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD) was founded in 1974 and is affiliated to the International Diabetes Federation since 2000. With almost 2000 members it forms the largest scientific diabetes association in Italy.
Main Focus
- To promote local institutions dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and cure of diabetes
- To provide cultural education and training for health care professionals working in these institutions
- To promote research in the field of diabetes
Message from the President
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD). AMD promotes clinical and therapeutic research in the diabetes field and collaborates with other institutions that have common goals and interests. During these years AMD has shared IDF’s objectives: it has constantly enhanced the research and updating of scientific content.
The great scientific activity of AMD and its committment to make assistance and treatment for people with diabetes more effective have meant that today AMD has a shared esteem, not only by Italian institutions. AMD preserves its identity but aims to renew itself, looking to the future at issues such as multidisciplinary approach, digital health and artificial intelligence.