SID is an Italian non-profit scientific association SID counts over 2500 active professional members from every field of diabetes care, teaching and research SID is intensely active in organizing high quality diabetes meetings and in delivering continuous medical education for diabetes professionals
SID supports diabetes research primarily through Diabetes Research Foundation (FO.DI.RI Onlus)
SID and FO.DI.RI Onlus promote and support research studies in diabetes and metabolic diseases
It is organized in 16 regional sections to closely adhere the administrative architecture of the Italian Health System.
SID is member of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
SID is the first society for the cure of diabetes to be a member of the World Obesity Federation
Main Focus
Contribute to the advancement of research and knowledge, the implementation of prevention strategies, the constant
improvement of care in relation to diabetes mellitus, obesity and their chronic cardiovascular, renal and metabolic complications.
Foster the continuous improvement of the quality of life of people affected by such diseases.
Improve the role of the diabetologists and their team by encouraging research, developing continuing education projects, privileging relationships among institutions, patient associations, other scientific societies and people
with diabetes mellitus, obesity
and their cardiovascular, renal
and metabolic complications.
- To promote the education and training of health care professionals in the field of diabetes
- To promote patient initiatives aimed at improving diabetes care
- To organize events to raise awareness for diabetes and raise funds to support research and assistance in the field of diabetes
Publications & Newsletters
SID has 3 journal for medical doctors:
1. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease (NMCD), in collaboration with the SISA and SINU Societies
2. Il Diabete
3. ACTA Diabetologia, in collaboration with the AMD