10 March 2023

Joint Action on Chronic Diseases

The purpose of this Joint Action is to identify, exchange, scale-up and transfer best practices and effective interventions for chronic diseases, with a specific focus on health promotion and prevention, multi-morbidity and diabetes. 

Health   promotion and prevention focuses on behavioural risk factors, social determinants and inequalities in health. Work on multi-morbidity focuses on multi- disciplinary and integrated care, patient safety and professional training. Diabetes is being used as a case study and looks into primary prevention through to treatment, with a specific focus on national diabetes plans.

IDF Europe is specifically involved in Work Package 7 which takes Diabetes as a case study on strengthening health care for people with chronic diseases. WP7 focuses on  aspects  of  primary  prevention,  identification  of  people  at  high  risk,  early  diagnosis,  secondary prevention, and comprehensive multifactorial care (all for type 2 diabetes). There is also an focus on the development of national diabetes plans. A Platform of Knowledge Exchange (PKE) will be develop to house all the best practices identified through the Joint Action.