Iqra Javaid Ch (Pakistan)

Author: Iqra Javaid Ch (Pakistan)

I’m excited to join the Blue Circle Voices and share my experience, knowledge, and insights as a person living with type 1 diabetes. In Pakistan, where I am from, more than 32 million people live with type 2 diabetes. And 5,600 with type 1 diabetes. However, many more, almost 9 million, are living with undiagnosed diabetes. 

As a person living with type 1 diabetes, I need insulin to live. However, accessing insulin in Pakistan can be difficult, especially in rural areas.  To address this issue, a pilot project for diabetes care was launched in Pakistan, “Insulin for All”, which provides home insulin delivery to children with type 1 diabetes in three districts of the Punjab province. This initiative draws inspiration from a programme launched by a former IDF diabetes advocate and represents what can be achieved.

By collaborating with others, I aim to contribute to a global movement that improves the lives of people with diabetes and helps prevent diabetes in those at risk. The BCV network provides a platform that fosters collaboration and learning and gives me the tools to launch new initiatives that support people with diabetes. Together we can work towards a future where diabetes is manageable, treatable, preventable and maybe one day, curable.

“As a person living with type 1 diabetes, I need insulin to live. However, accessing insulin in Pakistan can be difficult, especially in rural areas. To address this issue, a pilot project for diabetes care was launched in Pakistan, "Insulin for All", which provides home insulin delivery to children with type 1 diabetes in three districts of the Punjab province. ”