The Diabuddy Project

Cohort: 2022-2024
Raya Eid's portrait

Project Contributor

This project will organise educational sessions and activities in schools across Lebanon to improve knowledge about diabetes, normalise friendships with classmates with diabetes and encourage a “diabuddy” system. “Diabuddies” can offer their classmates with type 1 diabetes any needed support. We aim to increase diabetes awareness in schools, create a better learning environment for students with type 1 diabetes and tackle discrimination and bullying. Another critical aspect of the project will focus on educators and school administrators, who are first in line to assist students with diabetes and normalise their presence in class.  Through interactive sessions, attendees can better grasp the concepts and issues.  

Another hurdle arises during the Lebanese Official Exams, which do not occur at the student’s regular school. Raya will assess guidelines for exam proctors that allow students with diabetes to bring snacks, their glucometer and insulin for their exams.  

The Diabuddy Project will be part of the Comprehensive School Awareness Program implemented by the Chronic Care Center.