To School with my Friend with Diabetes

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Lucas San Pedro – Argentina

Lucas’ partner organisation has a programme called “Diabetes Goes to School” (“La Diabetes Va a la Escuela”) that focuses on educating teachers to manage a class where one of the kids has diabetes. Lucas’ project is similar to this but focuses more on bringing leaders of his association to schools and teaching the children with diabetes and their classmates what diabetes is and how to deal with it. The campaign involves the children with diabetes themselves, who are encouraged to explain what their condition is. Healthy breakfasts are also organised to teach the students the importance of eating healthily and counting carbs.

Lucas and his association first had to find schools that were interested in hosting the talks, and then organise these talks making sure they were providing all children, including those living with diabetes with a safe environment. During August 2018, they carried out three talks in two different schools with children aged 6-11. Lucas and his team were really happy with the outcome of the sessions, which saw much interest and participation on the part of the children.

Lucas’ plan is to keep on reaching to more schools in order to organise more and more sessions and to keep on advocating for people living with diabetes through educational talks.