Sweeten my life, not my body

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Rocío Rodriguez Sánchez – Cuba

Sweeten my life, not my body is a project that consists of monthly meetings designed to educate young people living with diabetes and their relatives in living healthy lifestyles, improve their diabetes management, self-esteem and quality of life and reduce the incidence of complications. The project included workshops, conferences and group exchanges. Ideally the project will broaden its reach through holding meetings throughout Cuba.

In June 2018, a dynamic workshop was held for people with diabetes to encourage them to express their feelings and tell more about their lives and experiences. The event also sought to assess their level of acceptance of their condition, and whether perceptions are different between children and parents.

In July 2018, Rocío organised a summer party to foster solidarity and friendship among young people living with diabetes. In september, she held a talk about the psychological aspects of diabetes, explaining the importance of emotions, dealing with them and their impact on health-related issues. She tried to convince people that supressing one’s emotions is no solution and that emotions should be taken in as the come. The feedback on this session was highly positive.