Blue Smiles

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Natalia Rodríguez Torres – Chile

Blue Smiles is a platform that aims to share information and educate people about diabetes and oral health through social networks. In addition, the project includes professional research to continue generating knowledge in these areas, especially in type 1 diabetes and dentistry.

Natalia first dedicated her time to the conception of her new project: she worked towards generating an identity for the educational platform and searched for content on diabetes and oral health. During July and August 2018, she prepared for the release of the social media accounts and she launched the Instagram and Facebook page in September. She plans on staying active on those, especially for events such as the World Diabetes Day.

Natalia also worked on her first research paper, which took the form of an article in a newspaper, together with the help and support of two dentistry doctors.

Find out more on: Facebook