Diabetes India Youth in Action

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Apoorva Gomber – India

This project was given the first position of the YLD Prize Programme 2019, which awards the three best projects developed during a YLD term. 

DIYA is an exclusive type 1 diabetes directed leadership camp which was the first of its kind in India. The DIYA camps gathered two groups of people living with type 1 diabetes according to their age. The camps focused on creating awareness and advocating for type 1 diabetes using a team-based approach. The camps involved two-way talks in the form of workshops/talk sessions on various topics related to diabetes management and lifestyle modification. Campers met other people who share a personal understanding of the challenges that come from living with diabetes. The camps provided the opportunity for people living with type 1 diabetes to connect with friends who truly understand them, build self-confidence, develop lifelong skills and learn how to manage their diabetes independently.

On the 1st of April, the DIYA team organised a community spring picnic for people living with type 1 diabetes. The activities undertaken aimed at fostering team building, participation and social bonding. In an informal and friendly environment, the younger participants were encouraged to forget about taboos and share their questions and doubts about their lives with diabetes.


T1D spring picnic activity
More pictures of this activity are available here.

In May, Apoorva organised carb-counting workshops for people interested in registering for DIYA camps. With the help of a nutritionist, she promoted healthy diatery habits for better diabetes management to fifty participants.



Carb-counting workshop

On the 5th of August, Apoorva conducted diabetes screenings in local villages. A total of 100 people were screened, and 5 of them were diagnosed as living with diabetes. In October, Apoorva approached about 10 schools with the hope of educating children and creating awareness about type 1 diabetes. She encouraged them to register new people with type 1 diabetes to attend DIYA camps. A DIYA camp is scheduled for November or December.