Diabetes Youth Club

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Aziza Bokhari – Saudi Arabia

This project aims to create a club for teenagers living with diabetes to strengthen the bond between its members. The project will first consist of an event targeting both those living with diabetes and those living without it, to show that the two parties are actually one, and that living with a chronic disease does not prevent an individual from achieving great things. After the event, participants will be invited to join the Youth Club and become the official Youth Representatives of diabetes in Saudi Arabia. Alongside this, Aziza will visit schools and conduct education sessions with teachers and students. She will recruit people with diabetes and encourage them to become active advocates in the community to educate, break stereotypes and build confidence.

The Diabetes Youth Club (DYC) is composed of members of the community who find empowerment in diabetes and strive to empower others. Through DYC, they aspire to nurture active diabetes-advocates in the community and responsible global leaders, and also to spread awareness on diabetes through campaigns, social media, theater plays and proper educational lectures.
Part of the DYC mission is to break the stereotypes of individuals living with diabetes, and to strengthen the tie which links people living with diabetes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and worldwide.

On November 16 and 17 the DYC in collaboration with SDEA organized an event on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which was the first awareness-raising event hosted by DYC. It was held at Prince Saud bin Naif Park in Dhahran and aimed to strengthen the bond between people living with diabetes and to break the stereotypes that surround diabetes.

The event consisted in diabetes educational booths provided by members of the DYC and a “Diabetes Talk” segment where people living with diabetes shared their experience living with the condition as a source of empowerment in both their personal and professional development.




The Diabetes Youth Club vision is to nurture active diabetes advocates in the community, and they are working on various educational courses that touch every aspect of the lives of people with diabetes and their families. During the month of Ramadan, Aziza is organising a Carb Counting course with the help of the Saudi Diabetes and Endocrine Association (SDEA) and certified nutritionists.

Many other courses will also be held alongside International days/celebrations. On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, a psychologist will discuss the importance of mental health with type 1 diabetes management.

Aziza is also working on an “Exchange diabetes supplies” program supervised by SDEA. The program aims at providing diabetes supplies (glucose monitors, strips, insulin) to those who are underprivileged and cannot afford basic care.

Find out more on: Twitter and Instagram