MoT1vation To Move

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Maartje Roskams – Belgium

MoT1vation to Move is a social media campaign designed to raise awareness of diabetes in Flanders. A blog/website, Facebook and Instagram pages form the basis of this project. These social media pages contain personal and success stories, news, lifestyle tips and sport advice for people with and without diabetes. The idea behind the project is to help stem the rising prevalence of diabetes by addressing the issue in a positive way and motivate/encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Through a few sport events, Maartje wants to bring people together to meet socially and improve the mental health of people living with diabetes.

Maartje is currently building a fundamental network of partners, sponsors and supportive people that can support the development of her project. She already received positive responses from diabetes associations, pharmaceutical companies and sport shops.

During the summer of 2018, Maartje continued taking part in, and organising, several activities  such as a diabetes camp in Slovenia, days at the beach and climbing, cycling, running, mountain-biking, yoga, etc. She dedicated a lot of time making sure all the participants felt included and had the chance to express themselves in an open-minded, healthy and inclusive environment.

Maartje is working on the layout and content of her blog before making it available to everyoneas she wishes it to be an active platform with lots of visual content about the activities of her project.