
WHA76 statement: Policy options and cost-effective interventions for the prevention and control of NCDs

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 13.2 Appendix 3 IAPB pdf 186KB

WHA76 statement - Universal Health Coverage

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement UHC pdf 259KB
Policy brief

Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: a Joint Approach to Halt the Rise

A policy brief by IDF and World Obesity Federation that provides diabetes and obesity advocates, healthcare professionals and policymakers with recommendations on the actions required to prevent, manage and treat both conditions effectively.
attachments-28.pdf pdf 2MB

IDF Guide to Data-driven Advocacy

The IDF Guide to Data-Driven Advocacy compiles information and advice that will help people interested in diabetes and health-related advocacy to find, interpret and use data for effective diabetes advocacy. It can also be a useful resource for researchers, providing insight on how they can support diabetes advocates to drive change.
attachments-27.pdf pdf 2MB
Policy brief

Preventing the Next Pandemic: The Case for Investing in Circulatory Health

A position paper by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health that calls for increased investment in circulatory health to prepare for, or even prevent, the next pandemic. It includes a set of recommendations to support governments in their efforts to prepare for future pandemics during this critical time.
attachments-26.pdf pdf 548KB
Policy brief

Pressure Points: Call for simultaneous action on diabetes and hypertension for more resilient health systems

This policy brief, developed by IDF, the NCD Alliance and the World Heart Federation, makes the case for simultaneous action on diabetes and hypertension that is an opportunity for decision-makers to strengthen health systems and achieve a positive impact on individual well-being and sustainable development.
attachments-24.pdf pdf 4MB