"Dialogue with IDF Experts" training continues in China

06 June 2024

Continuing our commitment to enhancing expertise in diabetes care and building on the success of the 2023 “Dialogue with IDF Experts”, a new in-person capacity-building session was held on 1 June in Beijing, China. The event welcomed 138 clinical physicians specialising in diabetes care.

During the session – jointly organised by the IDF School of Diabetes and the Beijing Medical and Health Foundation – experts delivered a series of talks on the latest developments in diabetes research and management

Chaired by Professor Linong Ji (China), the panel featured renowned diabetes experts Professors Tina Vilsbøll (Denmark), Vincent Woo (Canada), Weigang Zhao (China), and Andreas Liebl (Germany). Topics they discussed included insulin therapy, the latest research outcomes and clinical overviews of once-weekly insulin. Their valuable insights and expertise strengthened the participants’ learning experience and powered the lively panel discussion and Q&A session that followed.

In the post-event survey, participants expressed their appreciation of the enriching academic content and topics presented, stating that they had increased knowledge and skills in using and managing insulin in diabetes treatment.

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