Number of members
House 191, Shahid Square, Shahr-e-Naw, Kabul, Kabul, 1003, Afghanistan


The Diabetes Association Afghanistan (DAA) was established in 2005 by a group of Afghan physicians.
All stakeholders of diabetes control and management in Afghanistan have gathered under DAA for the best possible control, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes in the country. With the establishment of a democratic and elected government in Afghanistan, the need for the establishment of an association for control and care of diabetes became a top priority.

DAA is a non-governmental, non-political and national organization registered as a legal entity with the Afghan Ministry of Justice. The aim of DAA is to bring all stakeholders of diabetes control and care in Afghanistan under one flag. DAA belongs to everyone in Afghanistan – doctors, pharmacists or health workers and people with diabetes.

The Board of Directors comprises 11 healthcare professionals and membership includes hundreds of people with living diabetes.

Main Focus

  • Creating public awareness
  • Providing training to healthcare professionals
  • Helping the Afghan Ministry of Public Health in creating a strategy to fight diabetes in Afghanistan


  • Public awareness on diabetes to all ethnic groups in Afghanistan through mass media, pamphlets, leaflets, seminars and workshops.
  • Working closely with Afghan Ministry of Health to include diabetes in the basic health package.
  • Coordination of diabetes care and control in Afghanistan.
  • Massive public awareness on the prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of diabetes in Afghanistan. Programmes include awareness on obesity, dietary modifications and emphasis on exercise, recognition of early symptoms and emphasis on prevention of diabetes rather than treatment.

One important aspect of DAA activity is the provision of training possibilities for Afghan doctors in-country and overseas. DAA is very keen to establish links with diabetes associations in other countries and ensure that the association becomes a full and active member of the international community dealing with various aspects of diabetes care and control in Afghanistan.

  • DAA conducts awareness programmes for the general public and capacity-building programmes for healthcare professionals.
  • DAA has conducted research on the Diabetic Foot that has been published internationally.
  • DAA collaborates closely with the first Diabetes Management Center in Afghanistan, which has more than 60,000 registered people with diabetes and conducts more than 150 daily out-patient visits for diabetes control.

Publications & Newsletters

Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of diabetic foot ulcer among patients with diabetes in Afghanistan: An IDF supported initiative.

Message from the President

“Since our founding in 2005, we have been dedicated to diabetes awareness, prevention, and management in Afghanistan. Our mission is to unite healthcare professionals, policymakers, and those affected by diabetes to improve care nationwide. Membership of IDF allows us to access global expertise, strengthen advocacy, enhance training, boost public awareness and foster collaborations.”