Blickwinkel Diabetes

Cohort: 2019-2022

This project is no longer ongoing

Lea Raak – Germany

I thought about what my country lacked in type 1 diabetes advocacy and awareness. I spent three to four weekends a year at diabetes events and conferences. At these events, I met patient advocates and supporters who influenced me and helped me better manage my condition. Therefore, networking and community events are crucial and empowering. However, the German advocacy landscape needed a group and activities for young adults between 20 and 40. I had many ideas on changing how society views diabetes and advocacy. However, I knew I could not do this alone. This is how the initiative Blickwinkel Diabetes was born. The initiative brings together volunteers who want to make living with diabetes easier. As a team, we set up the DIAlogues – an online forum where we meet monthly to discuss a diabetes-related topic. We hosted the first offline DIAlogues as a weekend Diabetes Camp. I created educational content for our Instagram and blogged with my volunteer team. We want to amplify diverse voices and do this with community challenges.