3rd “Dialogue with IDF Experts” training event held in six cities across China

04 December 2023

Following the success of the inaugural Dialogue with IDF Experts hybrid sessionin June and the in-person capacity-building session in September, IDF hosted a third training event ‘Dialogue with IDF Experts: Diabetes Management Exchange 2023‘ on 4 November. The event welcomed 111 participants across six cities in China, with Shanghai as the main venue and Chongqing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Shenyang as secondary venues.

During the session – jointly organised by the IDF School of Diabetes and the Beijing Hengji Health Management Development Foundation – experts shared valuable insights on the development, research and clinical practice use of oral semaglutide agents.

Chaired in Shanghai by Prof. Youngquan Shi (China), the event featured online presentations by IDF experts Prof. Vincent Woo (Canada), Prof. Filip K Knop (Denmark), Prof. Gian Paolo Fadini (Italy) and Prof. Per-Henrik Groop (Finland). Their engaging presentations sparked interesting questions and discussions, creating a vibrant onsite atmosphere across the participant locations.

Participants highly appreciated the academic content and seamless event organisation and expressed a strong desire to participate in similar activities in future.

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