IDF signs strategic training collaborations with Sanofi to build health professional capacity in LMICs

20 July 2023

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is delighted to have signed two strategic training collaborations with Sanofi Global Health Unit (GHU) in support of our mission to improve the lives of people living with diabetes and prevent diabetes in those at risk.

The IDF School of Diabetes will partner with GHU to build capacity for healthcare professionals (HCPs) across 40 of the world’s most vulnerable countries. The partnership, officially launched on 19 July during a ceremony at Sanofi headquarters in Paris, will include:

  • Online training for 40 GHU countries and 1,500 HCPs
  • National training across five countries targeting 2,500 HCPs
  • French course digitalisation and Francophone country training

The vast majority of the 537 million people estimated to be living with diabetes are found in low and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs), with the Africa region expected to register the largest increase in the number of people living with diabetes by 2045. The need for a skilled diabetes workforce is therefore particularly urgent in these countries.

The multi-year programme builds on the trainings that IDF and Sanofi have successfully rolled out together in Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana.

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