The Eritrean National Diabetic association was found by few interested groups in 1996. These few interested group advocates and lobby for the formation of the association. They drafted a constitution by consulting experts of different discipline and prepared it for comments and suggestions to be reached consensus during the congress time.
Then in 1998 this association conducted its first congress by calling diabetic patient participants from all regions of the country and elected 25 executive members to lead and shape the association activities.
Main Focus
- To advocate the prevention and control of diabetes
- To increase the knowledge and skills of controlling the diabetes disease among diabetes patients and care takers
- To increase the awareness of the public at large and the diabetes patient in particular in the prevention and control of the diabetes and its complications.
- To advocate and lobby among the concerned particularly for children and adolescents government bodies and the non government organizations for the availability of anti diabetic drugs and related consumables.
- To advocate for the rights and need fulfillment of diabetic patients for their care and support both socially, psychologically and morally.
- To provide technical and counseling advice services to all diabetic patients where ever they are
- To mobilize resources from different angles locally and internationally for the support of the national association
- To establish and strengthen relationship with other associations and organizations linked with its mission and objectives for the benefit of diabetic patients
- The National Diabetic association conducted sensitization seminars, both on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on November 14 of each year with different theme and slogans and other time of the year.
- The association also develops printing materials for public education and diabetic patients
- It also develops brochures, leaflets for communities awareness in different ethnic languages
- It conducts regular meeting of its executive members and holds congress meeting regularly at the fixed time to strengthen the association,
- The association wants to give its voice for the support of diabetic prevention and control struggle.
- Advocacy activities for the support of diabetes position at the international forum.
Message from the President
Dr Goitom Mebrahtu “Our association decided to be a member of IDF because we are part and parcel of international community and we need to advocate and lobby about the diabetes awareness both locally and internationally. As a member of IDF, we are benefiting from a lot of resources and up to date information.”