The Ethiopian Diabetes Association (EDA) was established on January 23, 1984 to provide a forum for people with diabetes to discuss ways of providing information and treatment for all affected by diabetes. The initiative came from the Ethiopian Medical Association, healthcare professionals and people living with diabetes. It is the first patient-based association in the country.
Main Focus
The Ethiopian Diabetes Association exists to empower people with diabetes, their families and the wider public through up to date information on diabetes prevention care and the right kind of treatment. It strives to see positive change in the lives of all people affected by the condition.
Treatment and Medical Supply
EDA supports the activities of the diabetes center located in the premises of Black Lion Specialized Hospital. This special center for people with diabetes provides a screening service for diabetic retinopathy. The other activity of the association is the provision of medicine to its very poor members based on donations secured. Medicines such as insulin or tablets e.g (Glibenclamide, Metformin) are given for free to people in lower-income groups. The association always secures a certain amount of medicine for its members who cannot afford to buy medicines and who live in the regions.
Creating awareness through education is the major activity of the association. Diabetes is a lifelong condition that can be managed with the right kind of information and the necessary lifestyle changes. To this end, the association prepares an educational gathering every month. This programme has been ongoing for 23 years. Instructors from Addis Ababa University Medical Faculty play a vital role in the provision of education on various topics.
Blood glucose testing
This activity brings many members to the head office as few people with diabetes can afford to regularly self-monitor at home. EDA started free blood glucose tests in 2002, and continued the service until March 2005. Since then, due to constraints of medical supplies especially strips, the association has provided the service with a minimal fee.
EDA marks World Diabetes Day on November 14 each year. The day is celebrated colorfully with sponsors and supporters under the theme developed by IDF. Many sponsors and pharmaceutical companies use this opportunity to introduce their products and express allegiance to the association. EDA organises sports activities, seminars, panel discussions, and public rallies.