The Diabetes Association of Zambia (DAZ) is a membership based organization formed in September 1989 by a group of physicians and other interested people with the late Mama Betty Kaunda as the first patron. The Association is aimed at furthering the general interest of diabetic patients in Zambia.
The Association is open to diabetic patients, medical practitioners and other interested members of the public. It is currently in nine branches across Zambia with a membership of close to 1,500. The Association has a ten member executive committee chaired by Dr. Susan Zimba-Tembo.
Main Focus
To sensitize the general public of the problems facing persons with diabetes mellitus in Zambia.
• Develop educational activities aimed at giving health workers and persons with diabetes mellitus an understanding of the condition.
• Promote among medical personnel and others the free exchange of knowledge about diabetes mellitus in order to improve standards of treatment of diabetes mellitus in the country.
• Disseminate current and accurate information on diabetes mellitus.
• Educate the public on the importance of early recognition of diabetes mellitus.
• Promote and assist in research related to diabetes mellitus by individuals, Hospitals, Clinics, Universities and other research institutions and organizations.
• Promote activities and services that will enhance the welfare of persons having diabetes mellitus.
• To train health workers in the management of diabetes mellitus.
• The president shall advocate to Government and other stakeholders on policy involving diabetes care.