Sociedad Boliviana de Endocrinología
Number of members
Casilla Postal 3779, Cochabamba, Bolivia


The Bolivian Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition was founded by recognized endocrinologists within Bolivia and legally recognized as a Scientific Society by the Medical College of Bolivia in 1971. The Society was created to:

  • Stimulate scientific and academic research.
  • Provide continuing education and specialty certification.
  • Establish programs with universities, companies and institutions in Bolivia and / or abroad.
  • Draw attention and educate about health issues.

Motivated by the need to raise awareness of the increasing number of people with Diabetes in Bolivia, the lack of statistical data on Diabetes in Bolivia and the desire to create public educational campaigns such as those sponsored and directed by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Drs. Marylin Camacho and Rima Ribera, representatives of our Board, solicited the membership of the IDF with the support of Dr. Hilary King WHO and endorsed by the Paraguayan Societies and Argentina Diabetes on behalf Drs. Maximino Ruiz and Felix Puchulo.

Main Focus

  • Education: Produce and promote guides, manuals and protocols for prevention, diagnosis and treatment options for Diabetes Mellitus. Provide informative dialogue and information on even the controversial issues under discussion by the international scientific community.
  • Other Scientific Societies: To address issues of common interest regarding Diabetes Mellitus, especially the complications.
  • Health Professionals: Provide education, training and guidance to health care professionals and personnel in both urban and rural areas.
  • General Population: create and promote Educational and Preventative Campaigns for the Diabetes Leagues, Associations of patients in hospitals and urban and rural populations.


In addition to specialized medical care, the Society organizes congresses, conferences, seminars, round table discussions, workshops and other academic activities in order to provide continuing education, medical training and certification.

The Society also promotes and sponsors campaigns for the education, prevention and detection of Diabetes as well as calls attention to other health problems to inform and shape “health policy”.

Message from the President

Our Scientific Medical Society is a reference body for specialised conditions such as diabetes and serves to organize activities to keep the community educated in Bolivia, thanks to the support of our 4 branches located in Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, La Paz and Sucre.

As a Member of the International Diabetes Federation as of 1997 we are committed to promote diabetes care, prevention and cure.”