IDF member since
Number of members
Rua Eça de Queiróz 198, Vila Mariana, CEP 04011-031, São Paulo, SP, 04011031, Brazil
Founded in 1988, the Federação Nacional de Associações e Entidades de Diabetes (FENAD, National Federation of Diabetes’ Organizations) is a civil, non–profit organisation that brings together diabetes associations across Brazil.
FENAD represents people with diabetes across the country at different levels, helping to shape national policy in diabetes and supporting member associations in various ways.
Main Focus
FENAD develops guidelines, provides education, promotes early detection of diabetes and prevention of its complications, and conducts clinical research and other legally authorised scientific activities.
- Support and guidance to associations of people with diabetes in Brazil.
- World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) Project “Strategic Support” for the Brazilian Association of People with Diabetes (nº 18-1592).
- Annual Brazilian Multidisciplinary Congress on Diabetes (With Anad) – 28th Edition in 2024.
- Annual World Diabetes Day activities (November).
- Actions with Ministry of Health to create guidelines and protocols for treatments and improving care for people with diabetes in Brazil.
- Partnership with ConSaúde.
- Seat as a full member of the National Health Council, representing people with diabetes in Brazil.
- “Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course for Diabetes Education Training” (With Anbed).
Publications & Newsletters
- “Diabetes Clínica News,” magazine for healthcare professionals
- “Anad/Informa,” magazine for people with diabetes