The Asociación de Padres de Niños y Jóvenes Diabéticos de Nicaragua was founded in 1992.
The Association comprises of more than 1000 children and young people with type 1 diabetes nationally. It works in various areas of diabetes education within the Hospital Manuel de Jesus Rivera La Mascota; as well as in recreational activities and with the support of some public institutions.
Main Focus
- Provide continuing education to parents of children with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, especially in diabetes management.
- Provide private and state institutions and workers with talks or seminars on diabetes to tackles the myths that are still held about diabetes.
- The health care system should provide ongoing training in the management of emergency cases of type 1 diabetes.
- The education system should provide essential knowledge about diabetes to children and young people with diabetes who are in the national education system and should not be discriminated against.
- Mini Hospital Olympics (March/April) involving children and young people living with diabetes and other chronic conditions
- Medical symposia
- Fundraising activities
- Medical congress and forum in November
- World Diabetes Day activities
The association conducts the following activities during the year:
Message from the President
As President of the Association, it is a very arduous task, but for the love of all our children and young people with diabetes it is worthwhile to continue fighting for a better quality of life. And at the same time to continue looking for alliances between associations to learn new methods and teachings that facilitate a happier life and improve quality of life.