Youth Diabetes Action
IDF member since
Number of members
B17, 9/F, Block B, Merit Industrial Centre, 94 To Kwa Wan Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


The Youth Diabetes Action (YDA) was founded in 2001, and is a registered Hong Kong charity and a member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Services. YDA’s mission is to support children and adolescents with diabetes and their families in Hong Kong. Their objectives are to:

  • Be an advocate for children and adolescents with diabetes
  • Improve the communication with and support to children and adolescents with diabetes and their family members
  • Promote community awareness and knowledge of diabetes’ effect on children and adolescents
  • Organize, promote and execute educational, social, and other programmes for children and adolescents with diabetes, their family members, and the public

To support children and adolescents with diabetes and their families in Hong Kong


No child being held back because of diabetes

Main Focus

YDA concentrates on family sharing events, organising activities for children, educating parents, and developing public awareness to overcome the prejudice and difficulties children with diabetes have to overcome at school and in the community.


  • Health education
  • Activities organised for World Diabetes Day.
  • Activities for members
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    Publications & Newsletters


    Message from the President

    Youth Diabetes Action has been serving families living with diabetes since 2001. As a member of IDF, we are able to share experiences with other member organisations from around the world, especially at the annual conference. We share support and advocacy goals for our members in raising awareness of diabetes and assessing global trends. We are also strong supporters of World Diabetes Day in Hong Kong.