Alejandro Arango (Colombia)

Author: Alejandro Arango

I come from a family with generational diabetes. My father has type 2 diabetes. I have type 1 diabetes, and my 9-year-old daughter also has type 1 diabetes. Life’s challenges are our greatest teachers. Diabetes has become a major part of my life since my diagnosis in 2021, allowing me to learn about myself, my body and my own health. Diabetes has also given me a purpose in life, driving me to become a health coach and diabetes educator. Today, I help other people with diabetes lead healthy lives, improve their knowledge and develop a sound relationship with their condition.

“Diabetes has become a major part of my life since my diagnosis in 2021, allowing me to learn about myself, my body and my own health. Diabetes has also given me a purpose in life, driving me to become a health coach and diabetes educator.”