This project has two objectives 1) to educate parents, guardians and teachers on diabetes and 2) to support them. This will be a collective project to ensure sustainability. KIDS Aruba diabetes educators, general practitioner assistants specialised in diabetes care, members of Fundacion Diabets Aruba, and I will organise structured KiDSsessions for children, teachers and parents.
I am passionate about helping others. I started volunteering at the age of 12 and have been active in many social projects since then. Following my diabetes diagnosis, I dedicated myself to researching diabetes and motivating and coaching people living with the condition. I work as a part time lecturer at the University of Aruba and also research diabetes management for the local diabetes foundation in Aruba.
I joined the YLD programme to learn more about diabetes so that I have the right skills to continue helping others and doing research. I believe that the essence of helping others does not lie in the ability to help, but in the willingness and love we put in everything that we do.