Diabetes Counselling for Children and Adolescents at Parirenyatwa General Hospital and Zimbabwe Diabetes Association

Cohort: 2022-2024
Tinotenda Dzikiti's portrait

Project Contributor

With the support of Dr Ticklay, my project will provide counselling for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in hospitals and clinics during admissions and check-ups.

I believe in the power of peer support. My passion is to give back to my community with diabetes self-management tips for a better quality of life. Through my blog, the diabetes community can learn about diabetes management from my experience and that of others. They will also have access to information from recognised diabetes sources, such as the IDF Atlas and ISPAD clinical guidelines. I aim for everyone to access these resources, whether they are living with diabetes or not. My podcast on better diabetes management will offer an opportunity to learn from people with diabetes, patient advocates, HCPs and caregivers. These communication actions will encourage independence in adolescents by teaching responsible behaviours. Meanwhile, children, supported by parents or caregivers, will understand the importance of medical advice to maintain recommended HbA1c ranges. Parents or caregivers will have the tools to motivate children regardless of available resources, coping skills and economic circumstances.