Diabetes Education in Paraguay

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Tania Araceli Campos Torres – Paraguay

The project aims at creating awareness of complication among people with diabetes and their relatives (in different communities in Paraguay) by providing them with education on how to lead a life without complications. The activities undertaken as part of this project included:

1. Talks in schools regarding type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
2. Screening of diabetes in the community and providing recommendations on care.
3. Creating and setting up support groups among people with diabetes.
4. Managing FUPADI’S camp for children and youngsters (Tania will train the camp monitors, coordinate their work, and choose the camp menus) developed by the Paraguayan Diabetes Foundation since 2001 (this program aims to educate children on basic concepts to help them live a fulfilling and normal life)

In Q2, Tania conducted an educational talk for parents and people with type 1 diabetes about the importance of capillary blood glucose monitoring. She clarified the doubts about the blood glucose measurements and created awareness of the importance of managing one’s care well.

During July-September 2018, Tania was busy designing, planning and organising training activities for the diabetes camps to come, in collaboration with the camp coordinators and healthcare professionals.