Greater China Diabetes Camp

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Shuk Yi Yu – Hong Kong

Shuk Yi volunteered to provide support to a diabetes camp, initiated by Youth Diabetes Action. Participants came from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, in particular Shanghai and Beijing, and most of them had type 1 diabetes.  The goal was to bring the participants to connect with each other, to befriend each other and to learn from one another.

During the camp, Shuk Yi shared her experience living with type 1 diabetes with the participants: she explained how she balanced her studies, her social life and her condition. The aim was to inspire young children with T1D and help them understand that diabetes should not be an obstacle.

After the camp has ended, Shuk Yi supported her member association in a different way. She organised an event called Fun Day during summer 2019. This one day event used on the conversation map technique to educate young children to type 1 diabetes. The goal was for the children to have fun planning games and meeting other children while learning about diabetes care and management at the same time. Shuk Yi is thinking of organising a city hunt detective game, where children would have to go to different checkpoints and complete a task at every one of them. Upon finishing the task, they would get a clue, accumulating towards finding the game’s answer.

In November and December 2018, Shuk Yi attended some workshops to observe and learn how to lead a successful conversation map with diabetes which combines education and fun.