Promoting the home base care for people with T1D in my community

Cohort: 2019-2022

This project is no longer ongoing

Nzefor Fedel Nkwenti – Cameroon

The title of my project is “Advocating for the implementation of home-based care for people with type 1 diabetes within my local community.” This outreach project informs and educates national diabetes programmes, healthcare professionals and parents on the importance of establishing a collaborative approach to home-based care for those with type 1 diabetes. As part of this project, I provided education to children living with type 1 diabetes and raised awareness among the public regarding the impact of diabetes and the significance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. 

My actions included: 

  • Monitoring 24 children with type 1 diabetes 
  • Organising diabetes talks and walks 

Despite its success, there were certain limitations to this project. The prevailing circumstances, such as coronavirus restrictions in my locality, the socio-political crisis and financial constraints, posed challenges in reaching the target audience. Consequently, I had to resort to conducting outreach activities via social media platforms. Nonetheless, I managed to reach out to 24 children living with diabetes and successfully engaged approximately 10,000 people through my social media efforts.