School for adolescents

Cohort: 2018-2019

This project is no longer ongoing

Fernando Mogster – Chile

The project School for adolescents proposes a different way of educating young people with diabetes. This project seeks to empower them to make their own decisions and take care of themselves. It consists of ten sessions in which they talk about different topics related to diabetes, focusing on delivering knowledge and tools that are meaningful and applicable to their diabetes care.

Fernando’s educational sessions started in April and discussed several topics such as insulin, relationship between children living with diabetes and their parents, sports and diabetes, everyday management of diabetes for people living with it and for carers.

The last session took place in September and was dedicated to nutrition. Fernando’s goal was to make people aware of the consequences that diet has on health, and thus on the future. He provided the participants with tips on how to adopt healthier habits when it comes to eating, and on how to keep these habits in the long term.

Sessions to come will focus on diabetes and school and diabetes and outdoor activities. Fernando will organise a closing session to get feedback on the educational programme before conducting it again in 2019.