Respecting your limits

Date and time: 9 Oct 2023, 12:00-13:30 (CEST)
Location: Online

Living with diabetes can be emotionally and mentally demanding. As a chronic condition that requires continuous self-management, it can sometimes be stressful, challenging and frustrating. Diabetes advocates working for the well-being of their community tend to overpressure themselves and fail to establish and maintain boundaries. This, in turn, comes at a personal cost and can affect their health, leading to fatigue, burnout and depression. Identifying the signs is the first step to self-care and regaining energy and overall strength.  

This Blue Circle Talk, organised by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), will provide an opportunity to learn about the links between diabetes and mental health issues from diabetes advocates and healthcare professionals.   

Meet some of the speakers: 

  • Deeksha Dev, Director, Advocacy and Experiences, The Diabesties Foundation, India and YLD Trainee (India)   
  • Kirsten de Klerk, Co-founder: SA Diabetes Advocacy, project manager and YLD Trainee (South Africa)  
  • Ricardo de Oliveira, consultant, YLD Trainee and Europe Representative-elect (Portugal) 
  • Naser Altooblani, Patient Advocate, Graduate student, Doha Institute of Graduate Studies 

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us at [email protected] 

Watch the recording below: