Brian Chenda (Zambia)

Author: Brian Chenda

I have been living with type 2 diabetes for 22 years. My journey with diabetes has been full of ups and downs. 

Like many people in Africa, I was diagnosed with diabetes because of diabetes-related complications. I was in and out of hospital regularly as I tackled retinopathy, angina pectoris and diabetic ulcers. At the time, I lived between London, UK and Zambia. Because of my situation, I collaborated with my doctors to find a solution. We created the Copperbelt Diabetes and Hypertension Foundation in Chingola, Zambia. The Foundation is a non-profit organisation that deals with people with diabetes and hypertension and their carers. 

We are fundraising for a Diabetes Care Centre at  Nchanga North Hospital, a general hospital in Chingola. BCV advocates would appreciate all types of support for this initiative. Some items we need are glucometers, test strips and blood pressure monitors. 

“I have been living with type 2 diabetes for 22 years. My journey with diabetes has been full of ups and downs. Like many people in Africa, I was diagnosed with diabetes because of diabetes-related complications. Because of my situation, I collaborated with my doctors to find a solution and have set-up a non-profit organisation that deals with people with diabetes and hypertension and their carers. ”