Pilar Martinez Gimeno (Spain)

Author: Pilar Martinez Gimeno

I have been living with type 1 diabetes since 1977. In fact, in my family, many people live with the condition. Throughout my diabetes journey, I have followed every advancement in diabetes treatment, from glass syringes, bovine, porcine, and human insulin to the most recent types. Currently, I use an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring. 

For more than 30 years, I have dedicated time and energy to helping people with diabetes. Through patient association networks, I have defended patients’ rights, provided diabetes education and actively participated in diabetes forums and groups. 

As a lifelong learner and a member of  INPACT,   the INNODIA people living with type 1 diabetes community, I constantly attend training sessions to have the necessary tools to help people with diabetes. 

Today, I am the president of the Madrid Diabetes Association and a trainer at the Madrid School of Health, administered by the Department of Health of the Community of Madrid. I also collaborate with healthcare professionals and represent the patient’s voice in 14 reference hospitals and primary care centres located in Madrid. 

In addition, I represent activities of the Spanish Patient Forum for the diabetes community in Madrid and nationally. 

Internationally, I  have participated in humanitarian aid campaigns organised by the Madrid Diabetes Association in Venezuela, Ukraine, Cuba and African groups through NGOs.

“I have been living with type 1 diabetes since 1977. In fact, in my family, many people live with the condition. Throughout my diabetes journey, I have followed every advancement in diabetes treatment, from glass syringes, bovine, porcine, and human insulin to the most recent types. ”