Responding to the global pandemic of cardio-renal-metabolic syndromes

06 June 2024

In a presentation delivered at the 2024 Peking University Diabetes Forum (PUDF) in China, IDF President Professor Akhtar Hussain delved into the global pandemic of cardio-renal-metabolic syndromes associated with diabetes and highlighted the importance of diabetes registries.

PUDF is a high-level academic conference and a forerunner in diabetes prevention and research in the country. The theme of PUDF 2024, held on 17 – 19 May in Beijing, focused on “Cardio-Renal-Metabolic”. The conference brought together leading global experts and scholars to discuss strategies for preventing and treating diabetes and its complications. Over 2,500 representatives attended the forum in person and nearly 20,000 online.

According to the latest International Diabetes Federation estimates, China accounts for 1 in 4 (140 million) of all people living with diabetes, and has the highest number of diabetes-related deaths (1.4 million) and the second highest diabetes-related health expenditure (USD 165.3 million) per year.

During his intervention, Professor Hussain introduced the IDF Type 2 Diabetes and Cardio-Renal Complications programme, which aims to improve access to diabetes registries for healthcare professionals in low- and middle-income countries to facilitate epidemiological research that helps identify trends and inform campaigns for policy change to improve the lives of people with diabetes.

In interviews with local media after the conference, Prof Hussain elaborated on the role and impact of IDF in tackling the rising global prevalence of cardio-renal-metabolic conditions.

An onsite booth at PUDF 2024 also allowed IDF to present its programmes and activities to participants and invite them to attend the next IDF World Diabetes Congress in Bangkok on 7-10 April 2025.

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